Full service RV parks in Europe
Digital ticketing service for electronic music events
SaaS platform for laundromats
AI-Powered Legal Assistance for Law Firms
Revolutionize RNA therapy
The future of space exploration
Sustainable production with microalgae
Talents recruitment solution from anywhere
ESG monitoring solution for companies and investors
The first cartographic prospecting tool for real estate professionals
Major energy performance enhancement provider
Crop qualification through your smartphone's camera
Authentication with official identity
Sustainable air purification technology
Funding guarantees for lenders
AI-powered customer relations agent
Process management software
Recycling solution for cigarette butts, masks and chewing gum
More revenue for gaming studios, more thrills for players
SaaS virtual clinic to prepare patients for surgery
Electric vehicle subscription service for professionals
Instruments and prosthetics for extremity surgery
Robots for brain and spine surgery
Eco-friendly cost-effective RFID labels
SaaS-based visual e-merchandising platform for retailers
Japanese-inspired fast-casual food brand, fresh and accessible
Turn any robot into a flexible 3D printer
The intelligent virtual assistant for developers
Investment in music, directly from artists
The first decentralized blockchain omnicloud for secure data storage
Full services payment platform
The tele-expertise platform for enhanced medical collaboration
Automotive powertrain testing
ESG-integrated credit rating agency
Health data infrastructure for hospitals & clinics
The innovative technology of sensitive and connected materials
E-health for transplant patients
The Workplace experience platform.
Platform for office rental with flexible contracts
Healthy and consciously-sourced products for the office
The best way towards data governance
All-in-one Saas platform for personal service businesses
Quality of life at work platform with a science-based methodology
Matchmaker platform for shift work
On-demand meeting rooms. With a touch of style.
Instant lending for small businesses
Premium camping booking services
IT performance monitoring system
Customer Data Platform for entertainment organizations
Smart Customer Satisfaction Management
Digital marketing factory
Integrated system for options dedicated to online merchants
Mobile advertising platform
Job matching solutions
Acquired by Altares
Leading media for healthcare professionals in France
Wholesale electronics trading platform
AI using by banks and insurance companies to help grow revenue and deepen client relationships
Contactless solutions for mobile services
Saas-enabled marketplace for beauty professionals
Continuous gas measurement
Pre-clinic drug testing
Smart office solution
Brainstorming platform
The new food classification for better health
The easy API integration platform
Ultra-directional sound speaker
POS and multi-channel solutions for food businesses
The first European cryptocurrency exchange
Customer data management platform
Comprehensive cloud-based phone system for businesses
Virtual assistant for sales teams
Solutions for items tracking
High performance distributed time-series database
Community platform for women in politics
Small ticket financial rental
All in one cloud platform for small and medium sized police organisations
Behavioural prediction for e-commerce
Custom packages for hotels
Professional aircraft simulator training
Connected and IoT smart devices
Smart wine aerator
Automated content services for publishers