
Online Premium Wealth Management Platform

Olivier Herbout


Samy Ouardini


In recent years, individuals have realized that their traditional retirement savings are not enough and that they need to actively manage their assets. The wealth management sector has become highly digitalized and offers an increasingly wide range of products (equities, private equity, SCPI, ETF, Cryptos, etc.).

In this context, "robo-advisors" have emerged about ten years ago to offer turnkey investment portfolios, managed by automated algorithms, from a certain subscription amount. These online players charge less than a traditional investment manager and allow everyone to position themselves on a risk/return ratio that suits them. The downside is that they only offer a limited range of products and do not allow dynamic arbitration between different assets. 

In this context, "robo-advisors" have emerged about ten years ago to offer turnkey investment portfolios, managed by automated algorithms, from a certain subscription amount . These online players charge less than a traditional investment manager and allow everyone to position themselves on a risk/return ratio that suits them. The downside is that they only offer a limited range of products and do not allow dynamic arbitration between different assets. 

Ramify offers to investors a new platform driven by algorithms, with a very large selection of vehicles, inaccessible to the general public in normal times. All this, with management fees at 1% and an investment threshold reduced to €1000. This is unheard of in private banking, the less elitist of them accepting clients from €500,000. The allocations proposed by Ramify are personalized according to the client's objectives, without being influenced by an "in-house" product sales strategy.

Founded by Olivier Herbout and Samy Ouardini, the platform can count on their experience, as Olivier was the vice president of the Quantitative division of Goldman Sachs in New-York, and Samy was a senior consultant at Olivier Wyman in Paris.

Newfund investor: Salim Hassad

