
Student loans for high quality programs

Casey Powers


Amit Sinha


Climb offers education financing to economically disadvantaged students by first identifying, evaluating and partnering with schools that offer the knowledge and skills required for high-income jobs in today's economy.

Climb  then provides accessible and affordable loans for students to attend these schools, which will improve students' income potential.

Climb focuses on training programs that have a proven ROI, since only these training programs justify a student loan. In turn, Climb's platform helps high-quality schools increase enrollment by offering accessible financing options to their students. With such a focus, Climb has a positive impact on Student Lending as an industry. 

Climb's ROI calculation is a formula used to determine if an educational program is a positive financial investment for its students.

Climb looks at the net cost of the program (including tuition amount and lost wages while attending school) and compares that to the expected salary growth—all while factoring in the likelihood of graduation and job placement.

Climb believes education is an investment, and should be treated that way. Before taking out most loans, you confirm the value of what you’re buying. You wouldn't get a loan for a car without having it inspected, or a house without an appraisal confirming how much that property is worth.

Climb is based in New York.


Use Case#1: Interstate Truck Driving School 



Use Case#2: West Coast Training 



Newfund investor: François Véron

